While most everything can be done using the web version of 1Password, the operating system apps and browser extensions are extremely helpful. Below find information on how to navigate the app.


After installing and trusting the app on the system, it will need to be unlocked. By default it will lock when restarting the computer or when the desktop is locked. A locked app will look something like this:



A password field and family icon will also appear if the app has been authorized for a family account. If this is the case, enter the password for the family account before clicking Sign in with Microsoft, otherwise that account will remain locked. 


Known issue when logging into 1Password apps

Main Application Window


  1. Main Menu: Use this menu to add new items, import or export items, adjust settings, lock, close, and more.
  2. Account Menu: Displays the account being used. Use the menu to add accounts or authorize devices as needed.
  3. Profile: Brings up items related to the account profile, such as default items.
  4. All Items: Displays items from all vaults and unlocked accounts.
  5. Favorites: Lists items marked as Favorite. This view is helpful when only a few items are used regularly.
  6. Watchtower: This tool can be used to help check and verify the strength of the vault database.
  7. Vaults: List of vaults for each unlocked account. Select a vault when looking for a specific item.
    • EmployeeVault of passwords available to the logged in user account. (Formerly known as Private vault)
    • Shared Vaults: If you're a member of a shared vault(s), the name(s) will appear here.
  8. Tags: Items can be given tags to help organize and make items easier to find.
  9. Navigation arrows: Used to move between items listed in the center section.
  10. Search bar: Search for items by name, site, or keywords.
  11. New Item: Add a new item to the selected vault. Items range from login credentials to identification numbers as well as documents or notes. Use these tools to the fullest.
  12. Sorting options: View items in all categories or narrow down by a specific item type. Sort these by properties such as title, date created or modified, or usage.
  13. Selected item: Single click an item to view it on the right side. Double click the item to open it in a new window.
  14. Item Details: View and copy information about the selected item. (More information in the next section.)



Item Options



While viewing an item, there are a few things that can be viewed or manipulated.

  1. Item name: The name assigned to the entry.
  2. Favorite indicator: A star is displayed if the item is marked as a Favorite.
  3. Username field: Displays the username for the item in plain text.
  4. Password field: The password is hidden by default. Hovering over this item allows it to be copied to the clipboard, or a menu can be accessed to view the characters in small or large text, or copy it into an open window.
  5. Website field: Clicking on this field will open the site in the default web browser.
    Note: Additional fields can be added to any entry while in Edit mode. These fields help add additional information or context to the entry.
  6. Date and time stamps: This is information regarding when the item was created and last modified.
  7. Account and Vault information: This displays the account and vault being used to access the information. (More information below.)
  8. Share options: Click this to share the entry with others. (More information below.)
  9. Edit: This button opens the item in edit mode allowing fields to be added or modified.
  10. More options menu: Additional options for the item. (More information below.)


Account and Vault Information



Here is information about the open item that can be accessed by opening this menu.

  1. Drop-down arrow: Click this to open this additional information section.
  2. Account name: Since multiple accounts can be used in the same application, this name and icon describe where the item is saved.
  3. Vault name: Since most accounts have multiple vaults, this indicates where the current item is saved.
  4. Move button: Use this button to move an item between accounts and vaults.
  5. Shared status: This provides information regarding who can access the item.
  6. View history: Use this button to review past sharing events.


Share Options



These options can be manipulated to determine how long and with whom the item is shared.

  1. Link expires after: Items can be shared for up to 30 days.
  2. Available to: It is recommended to only share the item with specific people.
  3. Can be viewed only 1 time per person: Check this box if the item is only needed once.
  4. Add email: This appears when "Only some people…" is selected. Enter the email address of the individual needing access to the item.
    Note: 1Password will require email verification when attempting to access the item. Users do not need a 1Password account.
  5. Get Link to Share: After email addresses are entered, this button is available to copy a link to the shared item.


More Options Menu



Here are additional options available when working with an item. These can be found by clicking the three dots next to the Edit button.

  1. Open Item in New Window: If the item needs more space on the screen or needs to be viewed separate from the normal application, such as to compare to items, this option will open it in a new window.
  2. Favorites selection: This option toggles the item to or from the Favorites list. Favorites are helpful when only a few credentials are accessed regularly.
  3. Move: This option will allow you to move an item between accounts and/or vaults, such as when an item in a employee vault belongs in a shared (department) vault. Use this with caution.
  4. Duplicate: Create an identical copy of the item, such as when there are additional details in the entry that would apply to a new item. This can be used like a template.
  5. Copy Private Link: Create a link to the item to share with yourself via email or chat in case you are using a different device.
  6. Archive: Place the item in an archive status if it is no longer valid, but should not be immediately deleted.
  7. Delete: Delete the item so it may not be retrieved.