Before reporting an issue, please review the question What are some basic troubleshooting steps? That might provide a solution to quickly get you going again. Also, check to see if your issue can be addressed using one of the already available knowledge base articles at:

When reporting an issue, providing more details will help the problem be more quickly understood, reproduced, and resolved. The following is a list of items you might include but feel free to add other information that applies to your particular circumstance, even if it might seem inconsequential at first.

  1. What software and version are you using, if applicable?
  2. What hardware (desktop, laptop, tablet) are you using, if applicable, and is it a personal or Concordia-owned device?
  3. Does this involve a wired or wireless network connection, if applicable?
  4. Describe the step-by-step process you perform to produce the issue.
    1. Where do you start?
    2. What do you type or click?
    3. What do you see?
    4. What are the error messages?
  5. What troubleshooting steps have you tried so far, and what was the result?
  6. When was the last time this worked correctly?
  7. When did you first notice the issue? Did anything unusual happen around that time (e.g., software upgraded, new equipment installed)?
  8. If helpful, include a screenshot that displays the problem. (How do I make a screenshot?)