If a faculty or staff member invites a presenter or vendor to campus, it is the Concordia host’s (said faculty/staff member) responsibility to arrange the resources required for the visit, including Internet access. The Concordia host should send the following information from his or her cune.edu account to the Helpdesk:

  1. Description of the activity
  2. Name of the presenter/vendor
  3. Type of device (e.g., Windows laptop, iPad, smartphone)
  4. Type of connection (wired or wireless)
  5. MAC address
  6. Date when access should begin
  7. Length of access (1 to 7 days)

See the related questions What is a MAC address and how do I find it on my device?

Note: Smart home devices (e.g. speakers, cameras, lightbulbs, etc.) are unlikely to work with our network and we cannot grantee that they will be usable. Nearly all phones, laptops, and tablets will work just fine.